Bản tin phật giáo / Giáo dục / ĐỀ THI TUYỂN SINH CỬ NHÂN PHẬT HỌC KHÓA XI, 2015 – 2019

Tâm Nguyên , Chủ Nhật 19-07-2015













Thời gian 120’


Các Tăng, Ni thí sinh hãy đọc kỹ và trả lời đầy đủ 2 câu hỏi sau đây:



Câu 1: (20 điểm)


Vì sao đức Phật gọi Bát chánh đạo là con đường Trung đạo? Nêu lợi ích thiết thật của việc ứng dụng giáo lý này vào trong cuộc sống hàng ngày.



Câu 2:(20 điểm)


Trình bày nội dung Tam vô lậu học và tầm quan trọng của giáo lý này trong việc ứng dụng tu tập của Tăng, Ni sinh hiện nay.


Lưu ý:

1. Không tính thời gian chép đề thi.

2. Thí sinh tuyệt đối không sử dụng bất kỳ tài liệu nào trong phòng thi.

3. Giám thị coi thi không giải thích đề thi.






Thời gian 90’


Các Tăng, Ni thí sinh hãy đọc kỹ và trả lời đầy đủ các câu hỏi sau đây:



Câu 1: Câu bắt buộc, (5 điểm)         


Trong bài Một Khúc Ca, Tố Hữu viết: “Ôi! Sống đẹp là thế nào hỡi bạn?”. Thí sinh hãy trình bày quan niệm về cách sống “Đẹp” theo lý tưởng mà bản thân đã hướng nguyện, bằng một đoạn văn ngắn gọn từ 10 đến 15 dòng.



Câu 2: Thí sinh chọn 1 trong 2 câu sau, (15 điểm)


Câu 2a: Phân tích vẻ đẹp của người lính trong bài thơ Tây Tiến của Quang Dũng.


Câu 2b: Phân tích bài Ngẫu Tác của Tuệ Trung Thượng sĩ:


Đường trung đoan tọa tịch vô ngôn

Nhàn khán Côn Luân nhất lũ yên

Tự thị quyện thời tâm tự tức

Bất quan nhất niệm, bất quan thiền.


Dịch: Chợt Hứng Làm Thơ


Giữa nhà không nói chỉ ngồi yên

Nhàn ngắm Côn Luân sợi khói lên

Lúc mệt mỏi rồi tâm tự tắt

Cần chi niệm Phật với cầu thiền.


(Thơ Văn Lý – Trần, tập II, quyển Thượng, Hà Nội, Nxb. Khoa Học Xã Hội, 1988, tr.233.)


Lưu ý:

1. Không tính thời gian chép đề thi.

2. Thí sinh tuyệt đối không sử dụng bất kỳ tài liệu nào trong phòng thi.

3. Giám thị coi thi không giải thích đề thi.






Thời gian 90’


(Lưu ý: Thí sinh làm bài vào giấy thi, không sử dụng và tham khảo tài liệu. Giám thị coi thi không giải thích đề thi.)



SECTION I: VOCABULARY – GRAMMAR (0,3 mark/sentence = 6 marks)


In this part, there are twenty incomplete sentences with four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) below each sentence. You should find the one choice which best completes the sentence and write it on the answer sheet:


1. We used to ………. through the deserted village when we were young.

A. roam                  B. roaming              C. roamed               D. be roamed


2. She’s been living in this place more than 10 years, …………?

A. isn’t she             B. hasn’t she           C. has she               D. wasn’t she


3. Cold weather makes me …………….. comfortable.

A. feeling                B. to feel                 C. felt                     D. feel


4. Everything ………………he said was true.

A. what                   B. that                    C. who                   D. where


5. The meeting won’t …………….

A. cancel                B. be cancelled       C. been cancelled    D. cancelled


6. The students exchange cards with …………during the holidays.

A. themselves         B. itself                   C. each other’s       D. one another


7. He’s not used to ………… up so early.

A. wake                  B. waken                C. wakes                 D. waking


8. I asked him ……….. but he went away.

A. not to go            B. to not go            C. not going            D. he doesn’t go


9. We’re eighteen, so we’re ………… vote

A. too old to           B. young enough to C. old enough to     D. old enough for


10. It isn’t difficult …………… this textbook.

A. understand         B. for understand    C. for understanding   D. to understand


11. I am no good ………….. mathematics.                         

A. by                      B. for                     C. on                      D. at


12. I was ……………………

A. yesterday at home all day                  B. yesterday all day at home

C. at home all day yesterday                  D. all day yesterday at home


13. You look ……………. in red.

A. most nicely         B. too nice              C. nicely                 D. very nice


14. Tell us something ………….. your holiday.

A. about                 B. to                       C. over                   D. on


15. ……………….. if you’re not careful!

A. You must fall      B. You're falling       C. You fall               D. You’ll fall


16. ……………….. this week? "No, she's on vacation"

A. Is Sarah working                               B. Does Sarah work

C. Does work Sarah                              D. Is working Sarah


17. He asked, "Why didn't she take the final exam?" He asked why ………….. the final exam.

A. she took             B. did she take        C. she hadn’t taken D. she had taken


18. The child's arm was swollen because he ……………. by a bee.

A. stung                  B. had stung           C. had been stung   D. had being stung


19. Collin told me about his new job …………. very much.

A. that he's enjoying                              B. which he's enjoying

C. he's enjoying                                     D. he's enjoying it


20. People …………. live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

A. who                   B. whom                 C. which                 B. whose



SECTION II: CONVERSATION (0,3 mark/sentence  = 1,5 marks)


21. A: …………………………?

B: No, this store is too crowded.


A. Are you having a good time?             B. Do you spend a lot of money?

C. Are the lines very long?                     D. Are you going home now?


22. A: ……………………………?

B: I like guys who are good-looking.


A. What kind of guys do you like?         B. What are you like?

C. What's he like?                                 D. What does he like?


23. A: I broke my toe in a car accident.

B: ………………………………….


A. What were you doing?                      B. That’s terrible.

C. That's good?                                    D. Do you trip?


24. A: I burned my finger.

B: ………………………?

A: I was making dinner.


A. What happened to you?                    B. What did you do?

C. Did it hurt?                                       D. How did it happen?


25. A: ………………………..?

B: I'm looking for a place to live.


A. How can I help you?                         B. Where do you want to live?

C. Do you want to rent or buy?              D. Where do you want to move?



SECTION III: READING (0,3 mark/sentence = 3 marks)


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that best fits each of the following blanks:


Imagine you are studying English at a small college in the Midwestern United States. The local newspaper rarely has news about your native country. (26) ………………, it prints very (27) ……...foreign news, but this does bother you (28) ........... You sit comfortably in your apartment, turn on your (29) ………computer, and ask for the foreign news. The screen is immediately (30) ……… with news from (31) ……….the world.


Computer have [1] (32) ………… information "superhighway". Today, computers can work together - they can network with (33) ………..The worldwide computer (34) ………is called the internet. (35) ……….the internet, you can find all kinds of information and news from people and countries around the world.




26. A. despite         B. in fact                 C. because              D. although

27. A. a little          B. many                 C. few                    D. a lot

28. A. ever             B. already              C. at all                  D. nothing

29. A. person         B. personified        C. personally          D. personal

30. A. filled            B. full                     C. made                 D. taken

31. A. in                B. on                      C. all above            D. all over

32. A. written         B. created              C. composed         D. invented

33. A. itself            B. themselves         C. each other          D. together

34. A. keyboard      B. laptop                C. CPU                  D. network

35. A. use              B. using                  C. used                   D. to using



SECTION IV: BLANK FILLING (0,3 mark/sentence  = 3 marks)


Fill each of the blank spaces with ONE suitable word:


36. I love walking ................ the rain.

37. …………. I were your age, I would do things differently.

38. Are you satisfied …………your accommodation?

39. Thank you! That's ............ nicest gift I've ever received.

40. Friends are people ........ are close to us.

41. The international Olympic games have continued almost without interruption …………1896.

42. The end of the story was …………interesting than the beginning.

43. You won't pass the test ................. you study hard.

44. The movie was ..............bad that we left early.

45. Let's start now, ....... that we're sure to have enough time.



SECTION V: TRANSLATION (0,5 mark/sentence = 2,5 marks)


Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese:


46. The professor gives possible solution to the transportation problem.




47. The doctor suggests eating a light dinner before going to bed as a way to reduce weight.




48. According to the lecture, in this way, the Egyptians were able to move the stones over long distances.




49. In order to solve the problem, fishermen should switch fishing nets.




50. This directly supports the reading's claim that water shortages are caused by pollution







Describe your favorite place. Explain why you like that place. Include details and examples to support your explanation(100 words).



[1] ĐỀ BỊ SAI, phải là Computers have / Computer has.






Thời gian 90’







Thời gian 90’









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